The Arrival of a New Novel
I am so, so excited because tonight, I finished a new novel. And it may be the one I'm most excited about out of everything I've written.
About a week ago, I had an idea, and I started typing. It's the first time I've ever written a book like this - no outline, no guidelines. It was completely written in the moment, wherever the words took me at that particular moment. Usually, I plan and plot out chapters and while my storyline always shifts, it stays pretty close to the template I've made. This time, however, was more of a free flow of ideas with no set parameters.
It's a love story - of course - but I am so in love with these characters. Just like many writers, there's pieces of my own life story strewn into some of the pages; write what you know, they always say. Sometimes, the ability to put stories like this into writing is cathartic in a way; it's a way to tell a story that has little pieces of you wrapped up in it.
Anyway, I just finished and I am so excited to start the next step of editing. Stay tuned - my hope is that I can get this one out soon, followed by two others I've had written for years and just haven't edited. The other two are suspense novels, but my goal with this romance is to make it into a series.
It feels good to find this excitement about writing again. My heart feels happy and in a little way, healed. I hope that when it comes out, you'll enjoy reading it.
Have a great week!