It Feels Like Yesterday...

It feels like yesterday that he was a tiny two-year-old asking me to read “just a little more” of the story or have “just a little more” time before bed. The minutes, days, months and years tick by, and his milestones have changed from first steps to first car. Mickey Mouse shirts gave way to Champion and Nikes, and overnight it feels like those sweatshirts of his dad’s that used to cover him from head to toe barely reach to his wrists.
There’s no more chicken legs or forced haircuts. Now there’s man legs and voluntary haircuts with styling. He doesn’t need me to drive him places, now that he has a license. He doesn’t need spending money, now that he has a job. He doesn’t need me to get him up on time, now that he oversees his own schedule.
In two short years he will be off to college or to travel the world or whatever it is he chooses to do. In the meantime, it’s my turn to ask him for “just a little more” time - more dinners, more adventures, more chats around the kitchen - more of every little memory we can make before he’s grown.


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