Owning it...

I recently had a phone call that didn’t go how I wish it had. I don’t regret what I said, but I definitely regret how I said it. And at the end of the day, it’s my teen who will be affected by the outcome of the conversation, which sucks (that’s the best word for it at this point). We’ve talked at a high level about it (I don’t believe in pushing adult issues or problems onto teens and kids by getting into the weeds), and she has every right to feel whatever feelings she has. I own it. We have had many discussions over the years centered on the fact that you are allowed to have your feelings and sometimes you just need to really sit with them and feel them in order to feel better and move on. The same goes for having feelings about your parents - because parents don’t always handle things perfectly. 

While I’m still hurt and angry, she’s calm and sweet and kind. Tonight, I sent her the top message in this graphic just to remind her I’m here, and below that is her response. I have a lot to learn from her. 
She’s 13. She reminds me of the beauty in our kids and their ability to be happy and adventurous and make mistakes and grow from them and become awesome people. She reminds me that we all need a little empathy and compassion. She reminds me that sometimes we have to look past the anger and think about everything that could be going on that is unsaid in other people’s lives. She reminds me that she is listening when we have our talks and absorbing what we talk about. She reminds me that kids can be pretty amazing. 

She also reminds me that at 13, she already has a pretty good grasp on life and that attitude will take her far. 

I don’t know what I did to deserve her, but I’m sure happy I have her.


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