Stop Comparing...

Every once in awhile, I host a free photoshoot for moms and ladies. It is one of my most favorite things to do, because it gives my amazing friends and family and clients the chance to put on something they feel beautiful in and document this day in their lives. It doesn't need to be a special occasion; it just has to be a moment they feel gorgeous.
I mean I never miss a reason to dress up and it's fun to give others a turn in front of and then behind the camera, too.
As my own little cutie pie gets older, I've loved to do them with her, too. She helps with our outfits and accessories, and once she asked if we could stop and get flowers (and then picked out pink roses, my fave!). She told me how to pose, where to go, what to do with the flowers. She has a good eye, and she made me feel very pretty.
For the moms out there, I know a lot of times we try and stay behind the camera. We're worried about this belly roll or the chin or the wrinkles or the gray hair. But I encourage you to get in front of the camera once in awhile. One of the most cherished things I have is photos of my mama. Your kids are going to want those someday. You are beautiful. You are worthy. You are amazing. You aren't defined by your wrinkles or your under eye circles.
Your kids and your friends are not going to care about anything you see as a flaw - they are going to see the eyes that shined when they smiled, the lips that always had sweet, comforting words for them, the arms that wrapped around them in a loving hug, and the legs that ran everywhere so they could do all their activities.
Stop comparing yourselves to social media posts. Stop trying to make yourself fit into a clothing size and instead buy clothes to fit you. Enjoy the glass of wine with a side of laughter from friends. Get in the pool and enjoy the time with your kids.
Like this quote says - the sunset and flowers are both beautiful and they look nothing alike. You are just as beautiful as anyone else, and others can see that beauty.
Have a great day!


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